Sunday Adult Bible Study 9AM (Sept-June)
Children/Youth Sunday School 9AM (Sept-June)
Sunday Divine Service/Worship 10AM
Our Sunday Divine Service/Worship is mostly organ or piano driven with Lutheran hymns, choirs, handbells, vestments, and occasional feast day processions. Once a month we have a modern praise band lead us in modern songs within the same order of the Divine Service.
We call it the Divine Service because in it the Divine – that is God Almighty – comes to us in Word and Sacrament to forgive us, teach us, and bless us. We, in faith and trust, thank and praise him for his blessings to us; cast our cares upon him and seek his grace, mercy, healing, power, and strength for our daily lives. The Divine Service closely follows the ancient historical order of Christian worship. We sing; we stand and sit; we pray, praise, and give thanks; we confess and profess; we listen and learn; we receive the Body and Blood of Christ; we feel a sense of connection with the Church that has gone before us and with the Church triumphant in heaven.
The Lord’s Supper is currently distributed on all Sundays
Available on Sundays:
Wednesday Matins and Meditation on Scripture every other week 10am (Sept-June)
Wednesday Evening Program every other week (Sept-June)