COUNCIL MINISTRY (Mark/Graddie) President, vice president, secretary, treasurer, & financial secretary.
Financial Support Team Assists with treasurer duties.
Tellers (Denise) Count the offering following Sunday worship services.
- Rental Use Manager
- Grounds/Landscaping Team and Manager
- Bldg. Maintenance & Repair Team and Manager
Insurance Manager (Jennie)
Greeting Cards Crew, Attendance & CDs (Virginia), Mailings, Collating etc.
Readers Reading the O.T. and Epistle at worship services.
Altar Boys 3rd to 12th grade boys who assist the Pastor on Feast Day worship services with candles, processions, washing pastor’s hands, chalice hot water, ringing bell, & collecting cups, ablutions, etc.
Ushers/Greeters(Ray) Open/lock doors, lights/heat/air, greet & hand out bulletins, bring plates for offertory, dismiss rows for communion, inform pastor of those needing communion at their seat, track attendance.
Music (Michael)
Slideshow Operators Running laptop PowerPoint slides for worship services, and streaming
- Choir and instrumentalists
Handbell Choir (Marie)
Praise band
Altar Guild (Kathy) Supplies & upkeep for candles, communion, set up paraments for seasons, cleaning
Bannerman Someone to set change side banners and tall Altar banners each season
Flower Girls (Amy) Planning flower arrangements for the Altar area.
Banner Artists (Marie/Suzette) Creating banners for seasons of the church that we need.
EVENTS MINISTRY Blessing of the Pets, German Fest, NYE, Easter breakfast, church picnic, blood drive, etc.
Classic Cruisers (Ron/Fred) A ministry to & with lovers of classic cars, annual car show and blessing rides
Kitchen Team (Shirley/Margaret) Monitor use, clean up, supplies, food, assists with luncheons & events.
ELDERS MINISTRY (Lary) Reputable men assisting Pastor with his office of ministry
- Men’s Ministry
Visitation of Members Ministry (Pastor Eric)
Stephen Ministry Caring and listening to those in need of support in difficult times. (Carol/Susan)
Food Pantry Team (Dave) Distributing food & other items to those in need, with volunteers and donors.
Prayer Ministry Team (Dave) Prayer requests and list, and prayer gatherings on Thurs. at 3pm
FAMILY & WOMEN’S MINISTRY (Laurel) Connecting and ministering to the needs of families.
- Nursery Team
Children and Youth Ministry Team (Laurel)
- Sunday School, Confirmation, VBS, Youth & Jr Youth groups, events
- College Age Ministry
Women’s Ministry Team (Laurel/Jennie) Connecting & planning events building community.
SENIORS’ MINISTRY Connecting and planning Spring and Fall luncheons & outings
Widows Sunday Lunch outing (Michelle)
EVANGELISM AND MISSIONS Promoting & communicating with our missionaries, or other key partners, developing ways to share the gospel with others.